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Can I upgrade my premium website?

Upgrading your premium website is quick and simple. You can upgrade your premium plan at any time and start using your additional premium features immediately.

Your plan can only be upgraded using these steps.  If you want to downgrade your plan, please contact us via the VistaPrint Help Center.

Step 1:

Go to My Account and go to Subscriptions.


Step 2: 

Select the subscription you want to upgrade and click Manage.


Step 3:

Select Edit Plan on the top right of the page and choose Upgrade plan.


Step 4:

You will be taken to the package picker, and you can choose the preferred plan and billing cycle.

If you are upgrading from an older Vista x Wix premium plan, you will see which plan is most similar to your current plan.


Step 5: 

Select and/or confirm the billing cycle by clicking continue

Please note: It is not possible to change from annual billing to monthly billing. 


Step 6:

Complete your purchase. 

The payment you have already made for your current billing cycle, will be credited towards your new plan. The difference will be charged immediately to the payment method associated with the premium plan.


You can start using your premium features right away!

Please contact our Customer Care Team if you need help through the VistaPrint Help Center.